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$500 Donation

$500 Donation

For your $500 tax deductible donation you will receive a hand-crafted bow drill fire making kit.  This kit comes in a deer hide case which holds the cedar spindle, cedar fireboard, hardwood hand-hold, bow and some starting tinder. You will also receive a link to a 30 minute instructional video on fire safety, how to use the bow drill fire kit and other inspirational thoughts.  With your bow drill fire making kit you will be able to make fire in the ways of our ancestors, you will be able to keep this most significant and ancient art alive and relevant in our society.  Making friction fire was such a key turning point in human history and it can be again.  Make fire for your next family gathering or your next dinner party. Reduce your carbon footprint significantly by making friction fire and not using petroleum based, spark ignition, plastic or metal lighters. The embodied energy required in the manufacturing and fabrication of making these types of lighter is shocking. It is up to use to change the story in which we live.  Imagine a parent that has young children, let’s say 5 and 7 years old, and these kids have only ever seen their parents make fire by friction and not by an ignition lighter. These kids’ perspectives and stories become such a contrast to the story we currently find ourselves in. This kids will be the one who carry the flame of our ancestors into the future, they are the ones that need a different story more now than ever. The wisdom of fire teaches us that we all carry unique star fire inside of us and that it is our responsibility to nurture, grow and share or unique star fire, talents, gifts and abilities with our brothers and sisters across the globe. It is up to use to foster our light and let is shine. 

© 2013 by Earth Living Skills School, all rights preserved.

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