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$5,000 Donation

$5,000 Donation

For your $5,000 tax deductible donation you will receive a traditionally hand-crafted micaceous clay cookware bean pot. You will also receive a link for use and care instruction and suggested recipes to try. These types of pots were traditionally used by the Jicarilla Apache to store and cook water and food in.  It is said that water stored in micaceous clay pots becomes purified and sweet tasting and food cooked in them takes on a rich flavor that is unlike anything cooked in a metal or cast iron pot. We ethically and sustainable harvest micaceous clay in a method we call “full stratification and slow flows”. We harvest everything from the top down to the clay deposits, rocks, pebbles, plants, pinecones, and rabbit dropping, etc., everything gets harvested.  Then adjacent to where we harvested we regrade the land to at least a 4 to 1 and most times 5 to 1 slopes.  This will prevent quick flowing water and erosion in the future.  We do this all with hand tools and never use mechanical heavy machinery.  It is important to ground one self and connect with our Earth Mother in a spirit of thanks and gratitude when harvesting clay.  After leaving offerings, we began the sifting process to separate the clay from everything else. Once this is done we put the clay into vats and hand mix over the next week or so until the water evaporates off and we end up with workable clay. Then we start to create and build the pot in a hand coiled and scrape and smooth method. Once dry water scraping, applying micaceous slurry and pebble burnishing take place and finally the golden earth vessel of light and nourishment is ready for pit firing. These pots are a labor of love and we hope that you can cook wonderful meals and share them with family and loved ones in meaningful and Earth connected ways.  

© 2013 by Earth Living Skills School, all rights preserved.

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